Ubisoft will not clear the accounts of players who have purchased any PC games

Recently, Ubisoft has embarked on a process of account cleansing, triggering substantial controversy as a flood of negative reviews has poured in over the past few days due to disgruntled players voicing their discontent. In response to this mounting pressure, Ubisoft issued a statement to the media outlet Wccftech, confirming the criteria for account deletions.

Ubisoft account clear PC games

Ubisoft assures that any account that has purchased PC games will not be subjected to deletion. Prior to initiating the deletion process, Ubisoft dispatches three emails to the player, alerting the user to log into their gaming account within the next 30 days to reinstate normalcy, failing which all the games and game equipment purchased under that account will be eradicated. Ubisoft’s full declaration reads as follows:

For many years now, we have implemented our account deletion process in compliance with the requirements of the GDPR (Article 5.1.e on the obligation to limit the data retention period). Our policies are aligned with legal requirements and with the standards of the industry. This measure also acts as a protection for our players against fraud.

Account deletion follows a very strict process. As such, we take into consideration the 4 following criteria before an account is deleted:

  • The gaming activity of the account since its creation
  • The account’s libraries: accounts that include purchased PC games are not eligible for deletion
  • The duration of inactivity of the account, meaning the last login to our ecosystem (including from Ubisoft games on Steam and other platforms)
    • In practice, as of today, we have never deleted accounts that have been inactive for less than 4 years
  • The existence of an active subscription tied to the account.

In essence, as long as you have purchased Ubisoft PC games, even if you do not play them for a long period of time, there is no risk of losing your account – at least for the time being.