DLL Sideloading Scanner A lightweight PowerShell-based scanner designed to identify missing or unresolved DLLs, helping you detect potential DLL sideloading vulnerabilities on your Windows system. Features Dynamic Process Analysis 🔄 Scans all running processes and...
Puma Security Serverless Prey Serverless Prey is a collection of serverless functions (FaaS), that, once launched to a cloud environment and invoked, establish a TCP reverse shell, enabling the user to introspect the underlying...
The WinPmem memory acquisition driver and userspace WinPmem has been the default open-source memory acquisition driver for windows for a long time. It used to live in the Rekall project but has recently been...
FileInsight-plugins: decoding toolbox of McAfee FileInsight hex editor for malware analysis FileInsight-plugins is a large set of plugins for the McAfee FileInsight hex editor. It adds many capabilities such as decryption, decompression, searching XOR-ed...
RustPotato is a Rust-based implementation of GodPotato, a privilege escalation tool that abuses DCOM and RPC to leverage SeImpersonatePrivilege and gain NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM privileges on Windows systems. Key Features TCP-based Reverse Shell: RustPotato features a TCP-based reverse shell based on Rustic64Shell. It leverages Winsock APIs...
Fuzzable Framework for Automating Fuzzable Target Discovery with Static Analysis Vulnerability researchers conducting security assessments on software will often harness the capabilities of coverage-guided fuzzing through powerful tools like AFL++ and libFuzzer. This is important as...
NTLM Relay Gat NTLM Relay Gat is a powerful tool designed to automate the exploitation of NTLM relays using ntlmrelayx.py from the Impacket tool suite. By leveraging the capabilities of ntlmrelayx.py, NTLM Relay Gat streamlines...
Hfinger – fingerprinting HTTP requests Tool for fingerprinting HTTP requests of malware. Based on Tshark and written in Python3. Working prototype stage 🙂 Its main objective is to provide a representation of malware requests...
ACEshark ACEshark is a utility designed for rapid extraction and analysis of Windows service configurations and Access Control Entries, eliminating the need for tools like accesschk.exe or other non-native binaries. Why? Efficiently identify and analyze service...
Driver Buddy Reloaded Driver Buddy Reloaded is an IDA Pro Python plugin that helps automate some tedious Windows Kernel Drivers reverse engineering tasks. It has a number of handy features, such as: Identifying the type...
QCSuper QCSuper is a tool communicating with Qualcomm-based phones and modems, allowing to capture raw 2G/3G/4G (and for certain models 5G) radio frames, among other things. It will allow you to generate PCAP captures of it using either...
Speakeasy Speakeasy is a portable, modular, binary emulator designed to emulate Windows kernel and user mode malware. Instead of attempting to perform dynamic analysis using an entire virtualized operating system, Speakeasy will emulate specific...
MEGR-APT MEGR-APT is a scalable APT hunting system to discover suspicious subgraphs matching an attack scenario (query graph) published in Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) reports. MEGR-APT hunts APTs in a twofold process: (i) memory-efficient...
SessionProbe SessionProbe is a multi-threaded pentesting tool designed to assist in evaluating user privileges in web applications. It takes a user’s session token and checks for a list of URLs if access is possible,...
SharpADWS SharpADWS is an Active Directory reconnaissance and exploitation tool for Red Teams that collects and modifies Active Directory data via the Active Directory Web Services (ADWS) protocol. Typically, enumeration or manipulation of Active...
freki Freki is a free and open-source malware analysis platform. Goals Facilitate malware analysis and reverse engineering; Provide an easy-to-use REST API for different projects; Easy deployment (via Docker); Allow the addition of new...