The PS4 exclusive game GT Sport will be discontinued soon

Due to a myriad of reasons, including cost-saving measures, it is no longer uncommon for manufacturers to discontinue online services for older games. Citing information from VG247, Sony’s first-party studio, Polyphony Digital, has recently announced a similar discontinuation, targeting their 2017 PS4-exclusive release, “Gran Turismo Sport” (referred to as “GT Sport”). This decision is somewhat surprising, given that “GT Sport” initially mandated online connectivity upon its launch.

In response to players’ queries, Polyphony Digital provided clarification: the online services for “GT Sport” will cease on January 31, 2024, at 14:00. Subsequently, players will no longer have access to online features such as the community, open lobbies, quick matches, and current season events. The mileage store will also close, preventing players from making purchases. Moreover, certain trophies reliant on online services will become unattainable. Customized vehicle paint jobs will become defunct due to the cessation of online services, and all customized vehicles will revert to their original colors.

However, players will still be able to drive vehicles stored in their garages, retaining their tunings and settings. All race tracks will remain accessible. Additionally, certain vehicles, items, and maps that require game progression will still be obtainable post-service discontinuation.

Regarding DLC purchases, Polyphony Digital has stated that post-December 1, 2023, players will no longer be able to purchase vehicles, scenic content packs, and other DLCs. However, any DLC purchased prior to this date will remain usable.

Although “GT Sport” will be winding down its services, players can still immerse themselves in the enhanced gaming experience offered by its successor, “GT7” (released in 2022 for PS4/PS5 platforms). Polyphony Digital has also committed to continuous optimization and enhancement of online services for “GT7”.