Ghost 5.1 released, modern online content professional release platform

Ghost is a simple and powerful open source content publishing platform for building and running modern online publications, designed to change the status of changing online news.

Ghost’s editing environment is based on Markdown, and all published content is stored in an easy-to-search archive for quick search. And easy to use, add a logo, create a navigation menu and inject analysis code can be completed by a few clicks.


Changelog v5.1

  • ✨ Allowed page to be used as post in dynamic routing – Hannah Wolfe
  • 🎨 Updated Casper to v5.1.1 – Sodbileg Gansukh
  • 🎨 Reduced favicon requirements and added image formatting – Simon Backx
  • 🐛 Fixed reading time for RTL languages – Hannah Wolfe
  • 🐛 Fixed pasting into product card descriptions not stripping header formatting – Kevin Ansfield
  • 🐛 Fixed gscan not detecting issues in folders – Hannah Wolfe
