Elon Musk revealed that he will charge all “X” users to combat bot account problems

In a private dialogue with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Elon Musk recently intimated his intent to levy charges upon all users of “X”, a measure envisioned to counteract the proliferation of robotic and zombie accounts, thereby mitigating the dissemination of orchestrated narratives and spurious news.

While Musk remained reticent about the precise prevalence of robotic accounts on “X”, rumors from prior intimations suggest it might surpass general estimations. Musk postulates that imposing a nominal fee on every “X” account would negligibly impact the average user. However, it would undeniably exert substantial financial pressure on entities orchestrating vast arrays of robotic accounts to manipulate public opinion or circulate deceptive narratives.

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The crux of the issue resides in whether the general populace would acquiesce to such fiscal alterations. Additionally, Musk hasn’t furnished empirical evidence to attest that such a strategy would efficaciously curtail the operation of robotic accounts. Nonetheless, if “X” eventually elects to universally impose charges, considering its current active user base of 550 million per month, it would undeniably usher in substantial revenue.

Currently, “X” offers a paid subscription model dubbed X Premium (formerly known as Twitter Blue) priced at $8 monthly. Subscribers revel in a 50% reduction in ad exposure, enjoy preferential content sequencing, and can disseminate posts encompassing up to 25,000 characters. Additionally, they’re entitled to upload videos with a maximum duration of three hours and a size cap of 8GB. Moreover, they can lucratively capitalize on ad revenue based on their tweet traffic.

During this discourse, Musk and Netanyahu also deliberated on the burgeoning issue of anti-Semitism on “X” and expressed mutual apprehensions concerning the evolution of artificial intelligence applications.