Hackers use ransomware to attack PGA, demand payment in bitcoin

A report from the BBC pointed out that some hackers have entered the PGA server and targeted the PGA tournament held this week and the upcoming Ryder Cup in France. It is understood that hackers use ransomware to lock PGA’s computers. Their purpose is straightforward – pay to unlock.

PGA ransomware

According to Golfweek, the hacker asked the organizer to pay in bitcoin, as to how much the amount was not announced. It is alleged that attackers also left a warning message to PGA staff that they should not attempt to destroy the encryption program they set. According to Golfweek, this may result in some files being unrecoverable, and there is currently no software on the market to unlock the encryption program. Attackers put a notification: “This may lead to the impossibility of recovery of certain files. No decryption software is available in the public.

In response to this incident, the US PGA did not respond immediately, but a spokesperson told the BBC that the PGA Championship would not be affected.