Google expects to terminate the operation of apps related to the digital whiteboard device Jamboard in 2024

Earlier, via its Workspace official blog, Google delineated its intentions to cease the operations of the app corresponding to its digital whiteboard device, Jamboard, within 2024. Concurrently, they are poised to halt sales of the Jamboard, priced at $4,999.

Nevertheless, Google remained reticent regarding the specific cessation date of the Jamboard app, but forthcoming endeavors will pivot towards collaborations with third-party services such as FigJam, Lucidspark, and Miro. Pertaining to the Jamboard, it will desist from receiving automatic updates post-September 30th of this year, subsequently leading to the discontinuation of the product’s sales.

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Debuted in October 2016 and commencing shipments by the latter part of May 2017, the Jamboard was primarily characterized by its expansive touchscreen interface, complemented by a stylus, mirroring the modus operandi of a digital whiteboard. This innovation enabled enterprises to conduct meetings in a digital format, preserving the content therein in a similar manner.

Given the escalating availability of services that could supplant the functionalities of the Jamboard hardware, it precipitated Google’s resolution to terminate the continued evolution of the Jamboard product. Instead, they envisage fostering amplified application services in collaboration with partners, directing future emphasis toward collaborative ventures in documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.