Gmail will soon support confidential mode for enterprise users

The Google Mail team announced yesterday that confidential mode has been online after a small test, which is a highly secure mail delivery system developed by Google. For example, the user can set the expiration time of the mail when sending the mail. After the expiration, the mail will self-destruct regardless of whether the recipient has read the mail or not. Google said that the confidential mode is mainly to send sensitive and confidential information to enterprises, to prevent emails from being stolen under any circumstances and to disclose corporate secrets.

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The functions supported by the confidential mode:

  • It’s attached only when the message sender and recipient are in the same organization.
  • It’s only available to Vault.
  • Senders and recipients cannot access the copy from Gmail.
  • Third-party mail archiving tools cannot access the copy.

Unfortunately, at least the current confidential mode will only be available to paid enterprise subscribers, ie enterprises must subscribe to the GSuite service to use this feature. It is unclear whether Google will provide this feature to regular users, so ordinary Gmail users are temporarily unable to try and experience the confidential mode.

The principle of confidential mode is mainly that Google encrypts all the contents of the mail. However, the confidential mode email received by the user is a digitally encrypted content, so the text content cannot be copied or printed naturally. For companies that are looking for high security, the confidential mode is a good choice.