Chrome 78 releases: includes 37 security fixes

Google released Chrome 78.0.3904.70 for Windows, Mac, and Linux. At present, the official blog that describes the new features and improvements has not been released yet. However, combined with the update of the previous beta version and the change list of the corresponding development version, you can summarize the new version. This new release brings many new features, such as deploying new site isolation technologies and supporting DoH encryption resolution.

This release includes new features such as the CSS Property and Value API, the Local File System API, and the new Origin Trial. The CSS Property and Value API allows developers to register variables as complete custom properties, which ensures that they are always of a specific type, can be set to default values ​​or even animate them. The following image is a gradient created using CSS custom properties, and this transition is type-safe.

The new local file system API enables developers to build web applications that interact with files on the user’s local device, including IDEs, photo and video editors, and text editors. Once the user grants access, the API allows the web application to call the platform’s own Open and Save dialog to save changes directly to files and folders.

In addition, some new features for Android and iOS have come one after another. Major improvements include Dark mode, bookmarks, and history can be displayed as cards in iOS 13, and new credit cards can be added directly from Chrome from the settings page.

For developers, Chrome 78 also updated the V8 JavaScript engine, which includes preloaded script streams, faster object deconstruction, lazy source location, faster RegExp matching failures, WebAssembly C/C++ API, and improved WebAssembly launch Time and so on.

Chrome 78 also fixed 37 security issues.