Apple may release SiriOS next year

Mangrove Capital Partners predicted in this week’s Voice Tech Report for 2019 that Apple will release SiriOS in 2020 to further expand the Siri ecosystem.

“Apple has been less effective at building an ecosystem around voice. With its vision of the ‘Knowledge Navigator’, Apple’s voice strategy was more clearly articulated in 1987 than it is now. The voice community expects Apple to release a SiriOS for its developer community at WWDC 2020 which would accelerate innovation and adoption.

A SiriOS is desirable for enabling innovation and is viewed by many as required to match the progress made by Amazon and Google with their voice assistants,” Bret Kinsella, Editor and Publisher at”

“iPad Siri”by plynoi is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

At the moment, it’s unclear what SiriOS is, but in theory, it seems to be open Siri, allowing developers and various applications to call Siri. SiriOS may become Apple ‘s secret weapon. Recently, Apple acquired the privacy-oriented AI startup Silk Labs, which once again proves Apple’s future direction for AI and voice assistants, all of which must be protected from privacy.

SiriOS will be a competitor to the Amazon Skills platform, and the Skills platform will allow developers to easily extend Alexa functionality. Currently, Apple only offers SiriKit to developers, and future SiriOS may work across iOS, iPad OS and macOS.

Via: 9to5mac