AMD CEO Lisa Su: AI market is ‘Skyrocketing’, AI ​​accelerator market is expected to reach $150 billion by 2027

According to media sources, AMD’s Chairwoman and CEO, Lisa Su, recently delivered a speech at Goldman Sachs’ Communacopia+Technology investor conference. She offered a sanguine evaluation of the trajectory of artificial intelligence (AI) development, reiterating AMD’s commitment to staying at the forefront of the AI revolution. Moreover, she projected the AI accelerator market within data centers to burgeon to $150 billion by 2027.

At the conference, Dr. Su underscored that AMD stands amongst the rarefied few companies offering a holistic suite of AI technologies spanning both chips and software. She elaborated that AMD also boasts a robust supply chain ecosystem, equipping it with the requisite production capacity vital for emerging as a significant player in the AI semiconductor domain. This encompasses both advanced chip packaging and state-of-the-art storage chips.

With an optimistic perspective on the ascendancy of AI, Dr. Su highlighted that the industry’s foremost priority is now squarely centered on AI, describing this segment of the market as “skyrocketing”. During a financial earnings call in August, she remarked that AI client engagement had surged more than sevenfold over the past quarter. Presently, enterprises’ burgeoning interest in AMD’s high-end AI data centers eclipses her assessment from just a month prior and has already manifested in sales. If this enthusiasm from clients continues its upward trajectory, it will be perceived as a sign that the market has yet to reach its zenith. She expounded, “In the 30 days since our last earnings report, we’ve witnessed an intensified discourse around AI in data centers. Some of these discussions have culminated in concrete client commitments, indicating a robust latter half of the year for AMD’s data center operations.”

In her concluding remarks, Dr. Su reiterated her projection of the AI accelerator market in data centers soaring to an impressive $150 billion by 2027. She also confirmed the imminent launch of AMD’s MI300 AI accelerator, set for a Q4 release.