A Hogwarts Legacy sequel is in the works

“Hogwarts Legacy” is an immersive open-world action role-playing game, crafted by Avalanche Software and published by Warner Bros. Games. This opus draws inspiration from the enchanting milieu of the “Harry Potter” series and graced the gaming world on February 10th, 2023.

In a rendezvous with investors this past May, Warner Bros. Games’ eminent Chief Executive Officer, David Zaslav, divulged that “Hogwarts Legacy” had amassed a staggering revenue exceeding $1.3 billion. Given such a lucrative game IP, it stands to reason that both the developer and publisher would be loath to forsake opportunities to further augment their coffers. According to sources from MyTimeToShineHello, a sequel to “Hogwarts Legacy” is currently under the aegis of development.

This whisper of a sequel marks a seminal moment in the game’s lineage, with intricate details of the endeavor still shrouded in mystery. It’s imperative to note that the original “Hogwarts Legacy” ranks amongst the most coveted games this year. Given its soaring popularity, it’s plausible that legions of aficionados will eagerly underwrite its successor. Zaslav has previously expressed his fervent aspirations to conjure an even more impeccable gaming experience. Given the typical gestation period of contemporary AAA titles, it may well be a span of three to four years before enthusiasts are regaled with the sequel to “Hogwarts Legacy”.

Currently, “Hogwarts Legacy” has unfurled its magic across platforms including PC, PlayStation 4/5, Xbox Series X/S, and Xbox One. Notably, the PC iteration boasts features such as ray-traced shadows, reflections, and ambient occlusion, and is adorned with NVIDIA’s avant-garde DLSS 3 technology. There’s also anticipation for a Nintendo Switch rendition of “Hogwarts Legacy”. Initially slated for a July 25th release this year, its debut was postponed, for myriad reasons, to November 14th.