The number of “Diablo 4” game players exceeded 12 million

Recently, at Gamescom 2023, Blizzard unveiled the imminent Season Two of “Diablo IV.” During the presentation, Rod Fergusson, the head of the “Diablo” franchise, revealed that “Diablo IV” had amassed over 12 million players, with a collective playtime nearing 1.3 billion hours, averaging more than 100 hours per player.

Although Blizzard has been reticent about revealing precise sales data for “Diablo IV” in recent times, the official stance and disclosed player metrics suggest considerable success. It’s noteworthy that “Diablo IV” achieved sales of $666 million within just five days of its release, making it the fastest-selling title in Blizzard’s history, both in terms of revenue and units sold.

Season Two of Diablo IV, titled Season of Blood, is slated for release on October 17th. Officials have conveyed that this season will introduce enhancements to gem inventory management and inherit peak points, skill points, potion counts, and ancient coin capacity upgrades, amongst other features. Adjustments will also be made to vulnerabilities, suppression, critical damage, and elemental resistances. Furthermore, the upcoming season will introduce five new bosses, and upon their defeat, players can procure specific legendary equipment.

Diablo IV was officially launched on June 6th of this year, available on Windows PC, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4/5 platforms, featuring cross-platform multiplayer and shared progression across platforms.