The iCloud Passwords extension released by Apple has been withdrawn

In the previous article, we mentioned that Apple launched an iCloud Passwords extension for Google Chrome, which can be used to synchronize the passwords in Google Chrome and Apple Keychain.

Because the extension supports two-way data synchronization between Apple devices and Google Chrome, this extension can solve many synchronization problems for users.

Apple released this extension yesterday, however, it could not be used normally at all, because to use this extension, the iCloud update numbered version 12 must be installed.

The iCloud app was not updated in time, and then a new version was released and malfunctioned. Finally, Apple directly withdrew the iCloud version 12.

To use the iCloud Passwords extension, you must install the supported iCloud app, and only the new version contains the password synchronization option. The old version does not support synchronization.

Apple seems to have pulled the iCloud update numbered version 12 that brings support for the iCloud Passwords Chrome extension.

Currently, the latest downloadable version of iCloud on the Microsoft App Store is, which is a downgrade from the version 12 that was available yesterday. This is despite the fact that the description for the iCloud app on the Microsoft Store still mentions support for the iCloud Passwords extension.

Apple has withdrawn the iCloud version 12.0 directly from the Microsoft Store. The current version 11.0 does not support password synchronization.

And the occurrence of this very low-level error is probably because Apple did not conduct a complete test, after all, the extension is mainly for the Microsoft Windows platform. Now we can only wait for Apple to fix the problem.

Via: the8-bit