NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang talks about why he likes to wear leather jackets

Jensen Huang, the founder and CEO of NVIDIA, is a name that most DIY enthusiasts are undoubtedly familiar with. Many can even recite his illustrious achievements verbatim. Huang is also renowned for his signature presentation style; he consistently takes to the stage clad in a leather jacket, exuding confidence.

As early as 2013, many enthusiasts had taken to the internet to jest about Huang and his beloved leather jacket, a sartorial choice that set him apart from most other tech CEOs. By 2016, Huang himself began to jest about it, introducing himself at an event as “that guy who wears the leather jacket and repeats things three times.” Recently, in an interview, Huang discussed his consistent fashion choice, often described as wearing the same outfit.

GeForce RTX 3090 signed Jensen Huang

Some speculated whether Huang’s choice was inspired by others, like Steve Jobs with his iconic black turtleneck and jeans ensemble. Denying any notion of being a trendsetter, Huang shared that the choice of his attire was influenced by his wife and daughter. They oversee his wardrobe and make clothing selections on his behalf. However, he remained reticent on why the leather jacket became his enduring style statement.

During the interview, Huang also delved into topics concerning the industry and technology. He mentioned that NVIDIA would undergo a significant transformation in the next two years. This shift is attributed to what he perceives as the first simultaneous occurrence of two technological transitions in 60 years: the rise of accelerated computing over general-purpose computing and the advent of artificial intelligence (AI). Huang believes that the synergy of these two technologies will catalyze significant, sustained technological leaps, asserting that computing will “advance a million times every 10 years.”

Towards the end of the interview, Huang expressed that founding NVIDIA was ten thousand times more challenging than he had ever imagined.