Google has removed Huawei MATE 20 Pro from Android Q test plan

The impact of the US government’s addition of Huawei to the list of regulated entities is still fermenting, and more and more companies are directly or indirectly disconnecting from Huawei. As early as Google announced that it would stop authorizing Android with Google proprietary services, Huawei’s follow-up devices will not be able to use the Google series of services. Yesterday, it was also reported that ARM instructed employees to stop any cooperation with Huawei because the company’s chip design solution has the technology of American companies.

Android Q Beta

The latest news is that Google has removed Huawei MATE 20 PRO from the Android test program. The current test is mainly the Android Q version that has not yet been released. The direct impact of this sudden situation is that Huawei users can no longer continue to participate in the test, which may be regrettable news for Android fans. The indirect effect is that users who have already participated in the test cannot get subsequent updates, so either chooses to continue using the beta or roll back the previous version. That is to say, if you want to continue to use it stable, you can only come back to the system that Huawei pre-installed. Until the day when the US removes Huawei from the list, you can continue to use the original version.

Previously, the US Department of Commerce signed a temporary license to allow US companies to continue to provide software and hardware services to Huawei so that Huawei can release updates to existing devices. However, these hardware and software are not available for the manufacture of new products. Android Q itself is a beta version and is not a temporary license. After being listed as a list of regulated entities, no US company can engage in any level of cooperation with Huawei unless approved by the US government.

It is reported that Huawei has developed an operating system that replaces Android and Windows 10, but there is not much news about this operating system.