Snapdragon X Elite Benchmarked: Lenovo Laptop Scores Revealed
Since Qualcomm announced the Snapdragon X Elite last year, this processor has garnered considerable attention. Recently, a new Lenovo laptop featuring the Snapdragon X Elite made an appearance on the Geekbench benchmarking platform. The laptop, model “LENOVO 4810UV0100”, equipped with the Snapdragon X Elite X1E78100 processor, achieved a single-core score of 2427 and a multi-core score of 14254 in Geekbench version 6.2.2.
The benchmark details reveal that this laptop’s processor is the top-of-the-line Snapdragon X Elite (12 cores) with a base frequency of 3.42GHz, and is paired with 32GB of RAM. The operating system during the benchmark was Windows 11 Pro Insider Preview, with the power scheme set to balance. Under these conditions, its single-core score is comparable to the Apple M1, while its multi-core score is on par with the Apple M2 Pro and M2 Max.
Before this model, Lenovo released another laptop featuring the same processor, the Lenovo 83ED, but it lagged with a single-core score of 1628 and a multi-core score of 11392. The reasons for this discrepancy remain unclear. Compared to the Samsung Galaxy Book 4 Edge, which utilizes the Snapdragon X Elite X1E80100 processor, the LENOVO 4810UV0100 shows mixed results: the Galaxy Book’s processor has a base frequency of 4.01GHz, with a single-core score of 2706, approximately 11.5% ahead, yet its multi-core score is 12646, about 11.3% behind.
We have previously reported that the Snapdragon X series of PC processors includes several models:
- Snapdragon X Elite X1E84100
- Snapdragon X Elite X1E80100
- Snapdragon X Elite X1E78100
- Snapdragon X Elite X1E76100
- Snapdragon X Plus X1P64100
- Snapdragon X Plus X1P62100
- Snapdragon X Plus X1P56100
- Snapdragon X Plus X1P40100
Currently, the X1E80100 and X1E78100 configurations have been confirmed to have 12 cores each, while the other models have not yet appeared in Geekbench’s public database, pending further announcements.