Google pixel 4/4xl may have air gesture control

After knowing the possible design of pixel 4 and 4xl, we further understand the technology that pixel 4 may have, that is, the air gesture control function, without touching the screen, using gestures to operate the mobile phone. Google introduced the Soli radar chip at 2015 I/O conference, which was first developed by Google’s ATAP division, a nail-sized radar that recognizes different gestures and transmits data to the application, possibly allowing people Using gestures to control pixels without touching the phone screen 4. The US FCC continued to authorize Google earlier this year to continue to develop Soli chips.

The reason why people think that the pixel 4 may be equipped with the Soli radar chip is that xda programmers have found in the code of the Android Q about the air gesture to control the skipping or mute of the media file, and the code mentions a device called Aware sensor, this may be the Soli radar chip.

Via: androidpolice