United Nations has established AI Advisory Body to improve the risks and ethical issues caused by AI

In response to the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, the United Nations recently announced the establishment of the AI Advisory Body, aiming to delve into the risks, developmental prospects, and ethical governance associated with AI technologies.

This esteemed institution, initiated by UN Secretary-General António Guterres, comprises 39 global experts of diverse genders, technological expertise, and backgrounds. By the year’s end, it anticipates presenting recommendations concerning the risks and challenges presented by AI, alongside its potential developmental opportunities. Furthermore, the panel will embark on discussions around leveraging AI to advance the Sustainable Development Goals.

Beyond the United Nations, governmental entities spanning the United States, Japan, and China have all proffered their perspectives on the developmental applications of AI. Moreover, they have contemplated regulatory approaches to forestall this burgeoning technology from ushering in pronounced challenges and impacts. There’s a collective emphasis on ensuring AI’s equitable and responsible deployment, averting its monopolization by specific corporations or institutions, which might precipitate issues of discrimination.

Current applications of AI are widely perceived to potentially engender sporadic information dissemination and might exacerbate biases, discrimination, and privacy concerns. Additionally, there looms the threat of facilitating fraud, infringing upon human rights, undermining extant systems, and diminishing societal cohesion.