Microsoft submits new code to the Chromium project to improve the lag of page scrolling

Microsoft engineers earlier posted a slide on Twitter to introduce their own contributions to the Chromium browser. Microsoft shared features and performance improvements.

Although Microsoft chose to abandon its own browser engine is not good for the long-term development of the entire browser market, but Microsoft is also actively participating in the optimization of open source projects.

For example, Microsoft engineers are now solving a long-lasting problem in the Chromium browser which is the browser lags when scrolling on the page.

In previous work, Microsoft engineers have successfully brought the smooth scrolling feature of Microsoft Edge Classic Edition to the Chromium series of browsers.

Smooth scrolling helps to improve the visual effect so as not to make users feel stuck, but even so, sometimes the Chromium browser still has scrolling lag.

The so-called scrolling hysteresis refers to when scrolling on certain pages, the mouse wheel has been scrolled but the page does not respond or does not respond in time.

Generally speaking, this lag problem does not have much negative impact on users, but it may have a poor experience for some users who pay more attention to page performance.

Chromium Microsoft Edge icon

Especially when the page has a video module, the lag caused by scrolling may significantly reduce the user experience, but it is not easy to solve this problem.

Microsoft engineers have already submitted new code to the Chromium project, which can bring an algorithm called Scroll Predictor to the browser.

The company said that this algorithm can be used to measure the average distance between the finger position and the rendered position, and then reduce potential lag problems through prediction.

Although this new algorithm cannot completely solve the lag problem, it can maximize the user experience, so that most users will not feel the scroll lag.

The scrolling problem on the video page cannot be resolved for the time being. At present, Microsoft has joined hands with Intel and Google to investigate why the video page scrolling is obviously lagging behind.

This problem is more obvious on devices equipped with Intel GPU and Windows 10 systems, but these three big techs need more time to investigate the cause of the problem.

Via: windowslatest