Federal Trade Commission has commenced investigations into OpenAI

The Washington Post cites sources claiming that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has commenced investigations into OpenAI to ascertain any potential breaches of personal privacy laws.

Prior to this, the Italian government had launched an inquiry into OpenAI’s ChatGPT service due to concerns over user privacy. As a result, the utilization of ChatGPT was restricted within Italy, only to be reinstated following the provision of a more comprehensive privacy policy.

OpenAI GPT-5

Now, facing a document of up to 20 pages from the FTC, requesting information on how artificial intelligence model-related risks are mitigated, OpenAI is evidently confronted with challenges in its development within the United States.

The FTC contends that the ChatGPT service might potentially impact user transaction information and usage history. There are also apprehensions that this service could generate misleading or maliciously erroneous content, consequently affecting user perception. However, OpenAI has recently asserted that its service does not pose a risk to user privacy, while simultaneously declaring its intent to monitor any inaccuracies in the information generated by artificial intelligence.