Category: Cyber Security

pay hackers ransom

Phobos Ransomware Targets US Critical Infrastructure

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) in the United States has issued an advisory warning about the known attack methodologies and indicators of compromise utilized by the Phobos ransomware group. This guidance aims...


Fraudsters Target Pepco in Major Phishing Attack

The European retail chain Pepco was deceitfully coerced into transferring a substantial amount of funds to fraudsters through an intricate phishing attack, as disclosed in its official press release. The Hungarian division of Pepco...

CryptoChameleon phishing toolkit

CryptoChameleon Phishing Kit Targets FCC Staff

Lookout has reported that the new phishing toolkit, CryptoChameleon, has become a tool for attacks against employees of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), utilizing a counterfeit Okta authentication system. The campaign targets users and...

Chinese cyber-espionage

UnitedHealth Attack: Hospitals Lose Millions Per Day

Last week, a cyberattack on a UnitedHealth Group division disrupted medication distribution and insurance processes in pharmacies across the United States, causing significant challenges for healthcare workers. Experts warn that the incident could lead...

Pegasus spyware Jordan

“The A-Team”: Foreign Spies Target Australia

In Australia, the threat of espionage and foreign interference has escalated to unprecedented levels, warns Mike Burgess, the Director-General of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO). He expressed his concern that an increasing number...

LabHost Threat Actor

Phishing-as-a-Service Threatens Canada’s Banks

LabHost has emerged as a pivotal tool for cybercriminals in their assaults on North American banks, particularly targeting financial institutions in Canada. This Phishing-as-a-Service (PHaaS) provides malefactors with an array of tools for orchestrating...