Google Announces Android 9 Pie Go edition in the Fall

At the I/O 2017 Global Developers Conference, Google released Android Go, an Android version designed for entry-level phones that simplifies the current Android system to run on phones with 1GB or less of memory. Mobile phones with the Android Go system will dominate the low-end market.

With the recent push of the official version of Android 9 Pie, Google also announced the Go version of this latest operating system. The new version of the system is named Android 9 Pie Go edition.

According to Google’s official blog, the new version of the operating system is 500MB smaller than the old version, so there is 5.5GB of free space on devices with 8GB of storage. The new version also provides faster boot times and higher levels of user security, as well as a new dashboard for monitoring data traffic consumption.

Like Oreo (Go edition), Android Pie Go edition will also use Google’s Go custom app. Google has also released a new version of Google Maps, Google’s Go version. Currently, Google has confirmed that more than 100 manufacturers are planning to release new devices.

Google said that the first devices equipped with Android 9 Pie Go edition would launch this fall.