Windows 10 Feedback Hub becomes a center for spam/phishing/political propaganda

The Feedback Hub was originally an application provided by Microsoft for Windows 10 beta users, where users can feedback on problems encountered while using the beta.

However, in subsequent updates, Microsoft has expanded the scope of the Feedback Hub, and now the Windows 10 stable version also pre-installs the Feedback Hub for users to provide feedback.

Of course, as you know, most users will never submit content in the feedback center. After all, past experience has shown that even if the feedback is submitted, no one will reply.

Some netizens in Reddit forums found that the current Windows 10 Feedback Hub is already unsightly because this app began to be flooded with a lot of irrelevant malicious content.

These contents include not only certain political propaganda contents but also a large amount of spam and phishing information, but these spam messages have not been dealt with by Microsoft.

The screenshots of netizens show that a large amount of Trump’s political propaganda content appears in various sections of the feedback center, and the feedback content of real users is directly submerged by spam.

What’s more, they directly post spam and phishing information in the official Windows 10 Feedback Hub, and users click on links to enter fraudulent and phishing websites.

So much spam has not been dealt with, and it has been confirmed on the side that very few official Microsoft personnel are active in the feedback center.