Types Of Cyber Security Threats

Businesses experience cyber-attacks every day throughout the year. Most cyber attackers have several prime reasons, including money and ransomware to companies and individuals. That’s why cyber security experts are working round the clock to prevent these cyber threats. Below are several types of cyber threats.


This cyber threat is malicious software that can affect anyone who clicks on a link sent by a cyber attacker. It can cause several problems, including spyware, blocking access to the network, and installing more harmful software. Again, it causes extensive damage to data once they gain access to a system.

There are different types of malware, including viruses, worms, Trojan horses, adware and scams, and bots and botnets. One can tell that a device has malware after experiencing problems such as apps failing to download and increasing data usage.


Here, attackers use fake communication to install the malware in someone’s device. Once the victim replies to their email, they give instructions that enable these cyber attackers to get information such as login information. Once they get access to the victim’s device, they can steal all sensitive data which is a great threat to businesses and many individuals.

Denial of Service (DoS)

This type of cyber threat is where cyber attackers flood a computer or network. Once flooded, it can’t respond to commands. This enables cyber attackers to continue with their motive even after the computer is disabled. Sometimes they use distributed DoS (DDoS) such as botnet to attack millions of systems. This negatively affects the victims because this cyber threat is hard to trace.


Today, this is one of the most dangerous cyber threats. Those affected spend lots of money to restore their affected systems. That’s why experts help to secure important data to prevent breaching. However, most victims are unaware that they are subjected to a malspam because they design emails to look like legitimate emails.

Man in the Middle (MITM)

When two parties are transacting, cyber attackers can hack their systems and steal data. That’s why individuals are discouraged from using public Wi-Fi when carrying out important transactions. Once cyber attackers insert themselves between the two-party transaction, they have the freedom to install malware and destroy data.

Password Attacks

Passwords are vital to protect a business’s or individual’s privacy. However, cyber attackers can access passwords and steal important data. These attackers can trick victims into giving them their passwords, or they can conduct outright guessing. One of the common types of password attack is social engineering. Thus, people should avoid being tricked into inserting passwords once a cyber attacker tries to access their devices.

SQL Injection

Structured Query Language injection affects those using SQL. Cyber attackers insert malicious codes to infect the system. Once the system is affected, these attackers can acquire any information they need. Whether the victim is an individual or a large business, no data is spared from getting into the cyber attackers’ hands.

These cybersecurity threats can stress victims and make them lose lots of money. That’s why individuals and businesses should secure their data to prevent cyber attackers from achieving their motive. This is because cyber attackers always have a reason for their actions.