Statistic: the total market share of Windows 10 version 1903/1909 edition reach 75.2%

The version with the highest market share is naturally Windows 10 Version 1903. This version still has a market share of more than 50%. The main reason for this result is that Windows 10 Version 1909 is not much different from Windows 10 Version 1903 in essence, which results in not many users upgrading. Now, Windows 10 Version 1903 and Windows 10 Version 1909 currently have a combined market share of 75.2%.

All beta versions of Windows 10 Insider currently account for about 0.6%, and the share of Windows 10 Version 1703 and earlier versions is about 1.7%. Windows 10 Version 1703, the Fall Creators Update, currently has a market share of about 1.2%, while Version 1803 version has a market share of about 4.9%. Windows 10 Version 1809 has a market share of 16.4%, Version 1903 has a market share of 52.6%, and Version 1909 has 22.6%. It should be emphasized that Windows 10 Version 1803 and previous versions have reached the End-of-Support. Based on security considerations, users should not continue to use the old version.

Windows 10 currently has more than 1 billion users worldwide, and the total market share of Windows 10 Version 1803 and earlier versions is approximately 7.8%. Based on this share, at least 70 million users are currently using outdated versions, which will not receive Microsoft security support. Of course, some enterprise and education versions have additional extended support that may affect the accuracy of the above data, but users are still reminded to upgrade the supported version as soon as possible.

Via: AdDuplex