Privacy protection search engine DuckDuckGo traffic increased by 10% in one month

According to official statistics, the traffic- protected anonymous search engine DuckDuckGo traffic has increased by 10% year-on-year in the past month, while traffic growth has been relatively slow in the past few months. DuckDuckGo’s average daily direct traffic in September exceeded 27 million, compared with 24.52 million in August and 23.53 million in July. A 10% increase in traffic within a month is a pretty dazzling data.

DuckDuckGo Search Traffic

Considering that the Chrome browser that coincided with the tenth anniversary of the past month has a lot of “negative reports” about privacy, one can use Chrome to browse Google’s pages, and the cookie can’t be deleted; the second is to log in to the account using Google Chrome services automatically. A stone provokes a thousand waves and users who are more and more concerned about privacy protection. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand the sudden increase in traffic of DuckDuckGo.

Although Google is still the dominant search engine in the market, the business model based on user privacy is increasingly being questioned.