OpenMandriva Lx 4.3 releases: GNU/Linux distribution

OpenMandriva Lx, based on Mandriva and Mandrake code, is an exciting free Desktop Operating System that aims to cater to and interest first time and advanced users alike. It has the breadth and depth of an advanced system but is designed to be simple and straightforward in use.

OpenMandriva Lx comes from a 100% community-driven association that believes in the values of free software & collaboration and whose founding values are development, equality, co-operation, openness, freedom, group achievement, independence, and solidarity.


  • KDE 4.14.3 – default desktop for 2014.x and older
  • Plasma 5 – default desktop since Lx 3 release
  • LXQt
  • Xfce4
  • Wayland support throug Plasma 5, Hawaii desktop and papyros
  • systemd – default initing system
  • LLVM/clang – default compiler (better than gcc), improved speed and memory footprint
  • Calamares – graphical installer
  • Automatic hardware detection
  • ARM v7 and ARM v8 (aarch64) support

OpenMandriva Lx 4.3 releases.


Major updates:

Linux kernel 5.12.4
LLVM 12 – We have updated our main toolchain to LLVM 12, and rebuilt the entire system with the new compiler; it should improve the overall performance a little
systemd-248.20210517, which should fix hostname resolution problems some people have observed in 4.2
KDE Plasma desktop 5.21.5
KDE Frameworks 5.82.0
KDE Gear 21.04.1
Qt 5.15.3 with all patches proposed by KDE
Mesa 21.1.1
FFMPEG to 4.4

Another feature that will be interesting to some is that we’ve fully integrated support for the new JPEGXL picture file format. JPEGXL is significantly more efficient than traditional JPEG, and also adds all major features of PNG (such as transparent images and support for lossless compression).
Upgraded also some cool stuff not on the ISO but available in our repositories:

AMDVLK 2021.Q2.1 – official AMD Vulkan driver. It is an alternative driver and can be installed at same time with RADV. It can be used to improve performance or stability in some games on Linux
OBS-Studio 27.0.0 rc1 – application for recording and streaming; it finally supports wayland session. It also supports recording h264 with VAAPI (hardware accelerated video encoding) and we also patched it to support HEVC-x265 with HW VAAPI
Blender 2.92.0
GIMP 2.10.24
Audacity 3.0.2
Firefox 88.0
LXQt 0.17

The port to PinePhone is also starting to become useful: phone calls are working, and we have rewritten the camera app to be far more useful.
