Mozilla announced the permanent closure of Firefox Send after malware abuse

Mozilla launched a free temporary file transfer service Firefox Send in 2017, and users can upload 1GB files for free sharing without registering.

Downloads by recipients will not be limited, so the service is popular after its launch. However, the anonymized service has also been used to send malicious files.

Attackers host the malicious file in Firefox Send and then sends the address to the target user. Recently, a security company said that the service has been abused.

As a platform provider, Mozilla announced a temporary suspension of services. Mozilla officially released a blog recently announcing the permanent shutdown of the Firefox Send service.

Firefox Send

Mozilla conducted its own investigation. The investigation found that some hackers used the service to host files and encrypt them for sharing. “Firefox Send was a promising tool for encrypted file sharing,” Mozilla said in a statement. “Unfortunately, some abusive users were beginning to use Send to ship malware and conduct spear phishing attacks.

Firefox Notes was originally developed by Firefox to test a new method of encrypted data synchronization. Currently, this note-taking application has to be closed by Mozilla.

Mozilla stated that it will continue to retain the Firefox desktop and note-taking gadgets for Android users, and the Android version’s synchronization function will be disabled in early November.

The desktop version of Firefox Notes extensions can still be installed and provide data export services, but Mozilla is no longer maintained and cannot be installed in the future.

Mozilla stated that it is currently improving its product strategy and product portfolio. Although it is not easy to say goodbye, Mozilla decided to focus more on key content.

The current focus of the foundation is mainly the Mozilla VPN network, Firefox Monitor service, and Firefox Private Network privacy service.

Via: ZDNet