Microsoft released PWA Builder 2.0 to bring a new web programming interface

After trying to integrate PWA into Windows 10 and Edge Browser, Microsoft just released PWA builder 2.0, which has a new design and integrated Web programming interface “Snippits”. PWA Builder is a free tool from Microsoft that helps you create or publish PWA for different platforms online or on the command line.

The new version adds Webkit-driven Mac desktop platforms and Webkit integration. Developers can now view and evaluate their “PWA Builder Scores” and add cross-platform capabilities such as authentication, system integration, and UI through the Microsoft Graph programming interface.

With the vision to increase the number and quality of applications offered by the Microsoft App Store, Microsoft has teamed up with Google and other PWA supporters. Since the release of Manifoldjs and PWA Builder, Microsoft has further cooperated with Mozilla, Samsung, Intel, and Twitter.

The 2.1 update is currently underway, and Microsoft’s goal is to provide better support for mobile devices and allow developers to send their PWA to the Google Play store.

Via: ZDNet