Mozilla launches Internet of Things platform, Mozilla WebThings

The Mozilla IoT team announced that the Project Things project, which was released last year, was out of the experimental phase and officially changed its name to Mozilla WebThings.

Mozilla’s mission is to ensure that the Internet is a global public resource that is open to everyone and accessible to everyone. The Internet will truly put people first, and individuals can gain empowerment, security, and independence. The mission of the Mozilla IoT team is to create a Web of Things implementation that reflects those values ​​and helps drive the development of IoT security, privacy, and interoperability standards.

Mozilla WebThings, a product of the mission, aims to break the current situation of the IoT ecosystem and further reduce the price of IoT devices in the market. Mozilla WebThings has experienced two years of development and seven quarters of updates and has already generated great interest from the developer and manufacturer communities.

WebThings allows users to monitor devices through web pages, including the WebThings Gateway and WebThings Framework. Among them, WebThings Gateway is a software distribution for home smart gateways, focusing on privacy, security, and interaction; WebThings Framework can help developers build a set of reusable software components.

After the announcement of WebThings, Mozilla released a new version of WebThings Gateway 0.8. The new version allows users to privately record and monitor data from smart home devices, as well as add alerts, log features, and network settings UI.

In addition, Mozilla Mozilla revealed that the team is building a version of WebThings Gateway based on OpenWrt (the Linux operating system for embedded devices). This version will target consumer-grade wireless routers and act as a Wi-Fi access point by itself.