Microsoft announces Bing Chat Enterprise and Microsoft 365 Copilot price

At the Inspire 2023 event designed for enterprise users, Microsoft announced its plans to progressively integrate the Bing Chat service – based on OpenAI’s GPT-4 large-scale natural language model – along with Microsoft 365 Copilot, into the corporate application market.

Microsoft indicated that Bing Chat Enterprise, specifically launched for the corporate world, will prioritize information security and would be capable of accommodating the vast majority of corporate work content. Concurrently, Microsoft stated that all data used by Bing Chat Enterprise originates from publicly available web content, complete with source citations, and can handle the output and generation of images and charts.

Contrasting with the consumer-oriented Bing Chat, Bing Chat Enterprise is protected by encryption during usage. Furthermore, interaction content from users is not stored on servers, ensuring Microsoft has no access to or usage of such data. These interactions also won’t be used for subsequent training. Additionally, it will deliver superior quality and accuracy in generated content, suitable for business applications.

Currently, companies subscribing to Microsoft 365 E3, E5, Business Standard, and Business Premium can directly utilize Bing Chat Enterprise. However, Microsoft plans to offer Bing Chat Enterprise separately in the future, available to individual corporate users at a price of $5 per month. Users can access the service via Bing or through the sidebar of the Microsoft Edge browser, and eventually, it will be usable through Windows Copilot.

Microsoft also revealed the pricing for the recently announced Microsoft 365 Copilot service. Versions including Microsoft 365 E3, E5, Business Standard, and Business Premium will be available for individual users at a price of $30 per month.

Additional announcements include the introduction of image input functionality to Bing Chat. Clearly, with the incorporation of GPT-4, Bing Chat has expanded its application features and can accommodate a greater range of operations. This has already been implemented in the desktop and mobile versions of Bing Chat and will be successively integrated into the Bing Chat Enterprise service.