Kwort Linux 4.3.4 release: a modern and fast Linux distribution
Kwort is a modern and fast Linux distribution that combines powerful and useful applications in order to create a simple system for advanced users who finds a strong and effective desktop. Kwort is based on CRUX, so it’s robust, clean and easy to extend.
- Linux kernel 4.19.46 (sorry folks, there’s no longterm release of 5.x branch yet).
- New toolchain including glibc 2.28, gcc 8.3.0 and binutils 2.32.
- kpkg 130.
- Latest browsers including Google Chrome: 75.0.3770.90 and Mozilla Firefox 67.0.2. Brave 0.68.50 is available in the mirror.
- Kwort-choosers package has been replaced with kwort-tools including the old browser and custom xdg-open and the new kwort-mixer to support both sound backends (alsa and pulseaudio). There’s documentation on how to configure these tools here.
- New UI shortcuts are now fully documented here.
- We found a good graphical music player called Museeks which is now included in the system.