Intel releases Xeon Max, the first x86 processor with HBM memory & the Max series GPUs
There are more than 10,000 blade server racks in the Aurora supercomputing system, and each node will contain six MAX series GPUs and two Xeon Max CPUs. Intel also introduced a test development system, consisting of 128 racks of blade servers, for researchers in Aurora’s early science program. Designed to handle high-performance computing, AI/ML, and big data analytics workloads, the Aurora supercomputing system can achieve 2 ExaFLOPs of peak computing power and is expected to be operational in 2023.
Code-named Rialto Bridge, Intel’s next-generation Max-series GPUs are scheduled to launch in 2024 with higher performance and a seamless upgrade path. In the future, Intel will also launch an XPU code-named Falcon Shores. It consists of two types of computing units, CPU and GPU, which will be extensively designed using Intel’s multi-chip/multi-module approach, flexibly matching the number of cores of x86 and Xe-HPC architectures according to the needs of the target application.