Google researchers reveal privacy vulnerability in Apple Safari browser

Apple’s Safari browser has a built-in smart tracking blocklist feature that can automatically block certain websites or ad network scripts from tracking users.

However, what Apple didn’t expect was that the original function to prevent tracking turned out to be a tool for ad network-scripts to track users because of vulnerabilities.

Google researchers recently disclosed a vulnerability found in the browser. The vulnerability was reported to Apple as soon as it was discovered, and Apple had fixed the vulnerability.

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According to researchers, potential attackers or ad networks can use vulnerabilities to create persistent fingerprints, which means they can be used to track users persistently.

Even an attacker can track all the user’s browsing and search engine search content, etc., so Apple users may leak a lot of information.

Apple has fixed the vulnerability before the news was disclosed, and it should be said that no attacker has used the vulnerability.

Via: Thurrott