Google Chrome solves the instability problem caused by Windows 10 antivirus software

Previously, Google engineers found that sometimes the Microsoft antivirus software that comes with Windows 10 can cause abnormalities in the read and write of the browser cache data and cause instability.

After investigation, Google confirmed that it was caused by Microsoft’s continuous detection of files based on security considerations, which may affect Google Chrome when performing tasks.

In particular, it may take a long time for Microsoft to detect certain files, which leads to the problem of data loss on the Google browser.

A common problem is that when Google Chrome adds bookmarks, synchronizes bookmarks, and other data, it sometimes fails due to Microsoft antivirus software.

This failure may cause the new bookmarks we added to fail to be synchronized to the cloud in time, or the new bookmarks added to the cloud cannot be sent back to the local in time, etc.

After discovering the problem before, Google Chrome has formulated a solution to solve this problem, and this solution is relatively simple.

Google engineers said that “This is only done on Windows because that is hoped to be the only place where it happens,” explained Bruce Dawson, Google engineer.

We have a report of the rename step failing reliably with some monitoring software and it seems that retrying in a loop might be worthwhile,” Google noted.

The optimized solution has now been submitted to Chromium and merged. It is expected that Google will solve this problem directly through the update.

In order to ensure that the probability of data loss is minimized, Google engineers will automatically create a backup after detecting the relevant problem, and then continue to try to perform circular writing, etc.

Therefore, even if a write failure occurs, there is a backup to restore the data, so the probability of encountering this data loss problem for the user will be drastically reduced.

Via: windowslatest