Google Chrome Canary adds “lazy image loading” feature

Most websites are full of images and scripts, which can be a massive bottleneck in performance. Google is aware of performance issues, and the company is developing a new feature called lazy image loading to speed up page loading. The latest Canary version of Google Chrome adds lazy image loading feature.

To enable lazy image loading in Google Chrome: Download and install Google Chrome Canary

Launch Google Chrome Canary, go to chrome://flags/#enable-lazy-image-loading and chrome://flags/#enable-lazy-frame-loading

Change the “default” option to “enable” and restart the Chrome browser.

This will improve the user experience, make the site load faster, and be accessible to users without a quick connection, which is a big improvement. For those unfamiliar with the lazy loading mechanism, this is a technique in which the browser does not load images that are not in the viewport.