Google announces detailed timeline of Chrome’s privacy sandbox program

Last month, Google announced that it would postpone Chrome’s plan to phase out support for third-party cookies and released a timetable for its privacy sandbox plan. Now, Google has announced the detailed timeline of the privacy sandbox project.

It can be seen that Google divides the privacy sandbox timeline into four parts, which are “FIGHT SPAM AND FRAUD ON THE WEB”, “SHOW RELEVANT CONTENT AND ADS”, “MEASURE DIGITAL ADS”, and “STRENGTHEN CROSS-SITE PRIVACY BOUNDARIES”, and the related APIs are listed in each section. According to Google, these APIs will not be deployed on a large scale immediately. Among them, OT stands for origin trial, which is a method for testing new network technologies in Chrome.

In addition, the article also mentioned the proposal of the privacy sandbox plan to solve the covert tracking technology, including fingerprint recognition and network-level tracking. The timeline is scheduled to be updated once a month, and interested developers can check it out.