Dutch secret agent assists the US to use Stuxnet to attack the inside of Iranian facilities

For years, an enduring mystery has surrounded the Stuxnet virus attack that targeted Iran’s nuclear program: How did the U.S. and Israel get their malware onto computer systems at the highly secured uranium-enrichment plant?a report from Yahoo reveals how Dutch secret agent assists the US to use Stuxnet to attack the inside of Iranian facilities.


“File:Stuxnet saturation.JPG”by Llorenzi is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0

As the originator of cyber warfare digital weapons, Stuxnet was designed to destroy Iran’s nuclear program. After Iran began deploying the first centrifuges at the uranium enrichment plant in Natanz, Stuxnet was released sometime in 2007, kicking off the digital war. The “messenger” behind the invasion has never been publicly reported and exposed. According to the informant of Yahoo News, this person is an agent recruited by Dutch intelligence agencies, acting under the orders of the US intelligence agency CIA and Israeli intelligence agency Mossad.

This person is an Iranian engineer recruited by the Dutch intelligence agency AIVD. According to four sources, he provided US developers with key data for the Natanz factory system to develop a targeted attack code. He also provided a vital internal way to sneak Stuxnet to the factory system via a USB stick. Mossad and the CIA asked the Dutch to assist in the nuclear plant in Natanz in 2004. “[T]he Dutch mole was the most important way of getting the virus into Natanz,” one of the sources told Yahoo. The man worked as a mechanic at the Natanz factory and eventually completed the task of delivering digital weapons to the target system. An informant said: “Dutch agents are the most important part of getting the virus into the Natanz nuclear plant.”