Cloudflare supports the new AVIF image format in Image Resizing

Cloudflare, a well-known Internet service provider, recently announced that its image resizing service supports the AVIF format, although the format currently lacks browser support.

The company stated that compared with the traditional JPEG format and Google’s WebP format, the AVIF format has better compression capabilities and the image clarity changes less noticeably.

However, at present, the AVIF image format has not been widely supported. Currently, only Google Chrome 86 and OPERA 71 support the AVIF format.

Image: Cloudflare

Cloudflare mainly provides content distribution services and provides free hosting for a large number of small and medium-sized websites to quickly optimize the content loading on the user side.

However, no matter how the content is loaded, the bandwidth is fixed, so in addition to the necessary code optimization, it is necessary to reduce the data size of the network transmission to speed up the speed.

After testing, the company said that the use of AVIF format can reduce the image volume to 50% of JPEG and WebP, and at the same time, its sharpness is not significantly reduced after being compressed.

Therefore, the overall content data of the webpage loaded by the user side will also be reduced, so the loading speed can be greatly increased, which is convenient for users and saves traffic for the company.