Chrome Canary is testing the native dark mode on Windows 10

There have been rumours that Google Chrome is developing a native dark mode that automatically adapts to dark themes when Windows 10 is enabled.

The latest release of the Google Chrome Canary is now ready to preview the dark mode, just add the start command at the end of the shortcut.

The colour matching of the current black theme mode is not perfect. For example, the black background and black menu items in the menu are very difficult to see a menu.

How to active the dark mode on Google Chrome

1. Download and install the latest version of the Chrome Canary

2. Create a shortcut to the Canary version on the desktop

3. Right-click the shortcut and click on “Properties”

4. In the “Target” field, add -force-dark-mode after the Chrome Canary location

5. Click “Apply” and “OK” to save your changes.