Annual release cycle for Python is 12-month

After an in-depth discussion, the Python language project officially announced a 12-month release cycle. Previously, the release cycle of the Python language was to release a large update every half year. Brett Cannon, a member of the Python Steering Committee, announced the proposal to accept the PEP 602 for the new release cycle on behalf of the committee.

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“Merienda y un poco de estudio, #Python3 y un poco de terminal #felixmetslsucko”by felixmetalsucko is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

The author of PEP 602 is Łukasz Langa, the release manager for Python 3.8 and 3.9. Python 3.8 has been released and the new release cycle will be adopted starting with Python 3.9.

The release of a large version in one year is designed to make the entire development release process more predictable. Each version will receive one year of full support and four years of security updates.