Xiaomi will announce its self-developed chip on March 29

Xiaomi initially announced the start of self-developed chips in 2014, when Xiaomi established a special subsidiary Songguo Electronics to be responsible for the research and development of a series of chips called Pengpai.

However, Xiaomi’s self-developed chip plan was not smooth, and there were even rumors that Songguo Electronics was reorganizing and conducting layoffs and job transfers.

It is also so long ago that the Xiaomi self-developed chip plan has completely died. And now Xiaomi officially revealed the revival of the chips in advance, and Xiaomi will announce the new chips at the spring conference on March 29.

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Although most of the news about Songguo Electronics are rumors that have not been officially confirmed, the development of Songguo Electronics and Xiaomi’s self-developed chips has indeed been unsatisfactory over the years.

The co-founded Xiaomi, Lei Jun also said that after the release of the first chip in 2017, he did encounter huge difficulties later, but Lei Jun emphasized that Xiaomi’s self-developed chip plan is still going on.

Now Xiaomi has announced the revival of the Surging series of chips in advance, but the Surging chip may be completely different from the previous version of the original version. Xiaomi emphasizes that this is a small chip.

Since it is particularly emphasized that this is a small chip, it is absolutely impossible to be the main processor of the new Xiaomi mobile phone. After all, the main processor of the mobile phone has relatively high-performance requirements.

Therefore, the new Surging chip is likely to be processors such as image processors, or not on mobile phones but the Internet of Things products equipped with Surging.

Via: Reuters