Windows Calculator app is getting a few new features

Microsoft is pushing a new version of the Windows 10 calculator app to Insider users. This update mainly improves trigonometric related and collection-related content. Earlier we mentioned that the Microsoft calculator app is completely open-source and ready to bring many improvements, such as Microsoft engineers who are interested in supporting the generation of various types of linear algebra. This update has not brought the linear algebra trajectory, but Microsoft has improved the scientific model of the calculator, such as putting the options of the trigonometric function together.

At the same time, new function buttons can be added next to the trigonometric function button to input absolute values ​​and other options. Interested users may wish to update the calculator application to try such functions. This version is currently only available for Windows 10 Version 1909/2003 (20H1), and the official version is expected to be updated through the Microsoft Store later.

Via: ALumia