Wi-Fi Alliance and SD Association revoke Huawei membership

The impact of the United States listed Huawei as a list of regulated entities is still fermenting. Many industry organizations registered in the United States have stopped cooperating with Huawei. These industry organizations themselves are involved in the establishment of relevant industry standards by major companies, and can also grant manufacturers the right to use technical standards. Stopping the cooperation with Huawei will not have much impact in the short term, but in the long run, this may affect Huawei’s right to speak in standard setting.

Polan Huawei 5G

Brücke-Osteuropa [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

The SD Association, which is known for the development of SD card-related standards, has now canceled Huawei’s membership. Huawei cannot continue to participate in the development of SD card standards. The WiFi Alliance also said that it has temporarily restricted Huawei’s membership. The same Huawei was unable to participate in the development of the WiFi standard during the suspension period.

The JEDEC Association, which is responsible for the development of semiconductor standards, also revokes Huawei membership. The major members of the Semiconductor Association include companies such as Qualcomm and Samsung. Of course, the only reason these industry associations stop working with Huawei is the ban. The SD Association has issued a public statement that it is affected by the ban.

Via: Asia.Nikkei