What information is collected by the Google Chrome Crash Report

Google Chrome integrates an error reporting tool that automatically sends Google a crash report which includes error messages and data when Chrome crashes, helping the company improve and fix problems with existing browsers based on the information collected. As the largest browser of the user group, it is inevitable that the user’s personal information collection question will arise. The Softpedia explains what kind of information is included in the Google crash report, whether it collects sensitive user personal information, and how to disable the function.

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In fact, Google does collect some of the user’s personal information in such reports. According to Google, a typical crash report contains the following details:

Memory related to the crash, which may include page contents, payment information, and passwords
Your Chrome settings
Extensions you have installed
The web page you were visiting at the time of the crash
Your device’s operating system, manufacturer, and model
The country where you’re using Chrome

If you don’t agree to collect this information in Google’s crash report, you can disable automatic reporting by turn off Google Chrome > Settings > People > Sync and Google Services.

On the other hand, if you have already allowed the crash message to be sent to Google, you can manually check the contents of these reports and type in the address bar:


On a Windows 10 device, the dump files are stored at the following location:

%HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Crashpad\reports