The web version of ChatGPT can’t load the historical conversation

ChatGPT has encountered an issue with its historical conversation feature since this morning. Both free and ChatGPT Plus subscribers have experienced the same problem. However, a test by our team suggests that this is likely due to some kind of error on the part of ChatGPT, rather than a deliberate deletion of the historical conversation feature by OpenAI. Multiple refreshes sometimes result in a failure to load the historical conversation, sometimes the conversation box is blank, and sometimes the conversation can be successfully loaded, allowing previous dialogue records to be viewed.

Third-party clients, such as ChatGPT for Windows, have similar situations, but this is normal since this third-party client is essentially a packaged webpage.

OPENAI has not yet released any statement on this matter. However, if a user encounters the disappearance of their dedicated conversation that they have worked so hard to build, they can try refreshing several times to see if it can be loaded.

For ChatGPT, historical conversation is one of its most important functions. If it is no longer supported in the future, many users are likely to choose to use the API instead of the official web version.