Tagged: Sony

Sony PlayStation 5 sales

Sony PlayStation 5 sales surge in Europe

Sony unveiled its financial results for the first quarter of the fiscal year 2023 last month, indicating that the global cumulative sales of the PlayStation 5 console had reached a commendable 41.7 million units...

Sony Power IoT Noise

Sony’s Innovative Module: Electromagnetic Noise to Power IoT

Sony’s Semiconductor Solutions has unveiled a module designed to harvest electromagnetic noise energy, subsequently converting it into power suitable for energizing low-energy Internet of Things (IoT) devices or for recharging purposes. This innovative module...

Sony acquires Audeze

Sony announced the acquisition of high-end headphone brand Audeze

Sony Interactive Entertainment has announced its acquisition of the esteemed headphone brand, Audeze, to enhance the auditory experience of the PlayStation gaming franchise. While the financial particulars of the transaction remain undisclosed, Sony Interactive...