In October, Intel launched the K-series products of its 14th generation Core processors, also known as Raptor Lake Refresh. The first six K/KF series models, designed for PC enthusiasts, are all unlocked versions. They...
Last week, Intel ceremoniously unveiled its 14th generation Core desktop processors, christened the Raptor Lake Refresh. The initial suite of six K/KF suffixed products, including the Core i9-14900K/KF, Core i7-14700K/KF, and Core i5-14600K/KF, are...
Last month, Intel unveiled its 14th generation Core desktop processors, dubbed Raptor Lake Refresh, at the “Intel Innovation” summit held in San Jose, California. HD Technologia released Intel’s presentation slides, wherein promotional materials disclosed...
Earlier reports have indicated that Intel’s 14th generation Core Processor, Raptor Lake Refresh, is set to launch in October. As we know, it bears no fundamental differences from Raptor Lake; the maximum number of...
Intel’s plan to release the Raptor Lake Refresh this year is no fresh revelation. With the cancellation or delay of Meteor Lake-S, the spotlight for this year’s desktop and HX processors for notebooks still...
Although earlier reports suggested that Intel might cancel the desktop version of Meteor Lake-S, mounting evidence indicates that it has not been scrapped. However, it may only offer Core i5 models at most. The...
Previous reports suggested that Intel plans to launch the Raptor Lake Refresh in August of this year, introducing minor updates to the existing LGA 1700 platform. Under the Intel 7 process, the refresh is...
There have been rumors that Intel will not launch Meteor Lake and Arrow Lake next year, but will release Raptoer Lake Refresh. The good news is that the new processor will still be called...