Tagged: data breach

Dell Breach Impacts 49 Million Customers

Dell has confirmed a data breach affecting approximately 49 million customers who have purchased its products since 2017. The incident involved Dell’s portal where customer purchase information was stored. The leaked data includes names,...

PandaBuy data breach

PandaBuy Data Breach: Exposed: 1.3 Million Accounts Breached

The popular online shopping platform PandaBuy, specializing in the delivery of clothing, footwear, and other goods from China, recently experienced a significant data breach affecting approximately 1.3 million customers. Responsibility for the system intrusion...

USPS Site Exposed Data

AT&T Confirms Massive Data Breach: 73 Million Affected

On March 30th, the American telecommunications giant AT&T officially confirmed a data breach affecting approximately 73 million current and former customers. This revelation followed shortly after the hacker MajorNelson posted on BreachForums a database...

CFD workload time

RedHunt Labs Exposes Critical Data Breach at Mercedes-Benz

Automotive giant Mercedes-Benz narrowly avoided a significant leak of confidential internal data. Cybersecurity firm RedHunt Labs discovered that a Mercedes employee had inadvertently left a developer key publicly accessible online, offering unrestricted access to...

Trezor data breach

Data Breach Hits Trezor: 66,000 Users’ Emails Exposed

Trezor, a developer of hardware wallets for cryptocurrency, has reported a data breach. The attack occurred on January 17, 2024, when malefactors gained unauthorized access to a third-party technical support portal. While the investigation...